Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kalau aku jatuh.

Kalau aku jatuh,
Kau nak bangunkan aku tak?
Kalau aku jatuh,
Kau masih berada disisi aku?
Kalau aku jatuh,
Kau boleh teguhkan aku?
Kalau aku jatuh,
Kau sanggup usap air mata aku?
Kalau aku jatuh,
Kau akan pergi jauh tak?
Kalau aku jatuh,
Kau akan merasa sakit?
Kalau aku jatuh,
Aku harap dapat bangun sendiri.

Soul Doubt

If you don't love me as much as I do,
Go and find your own better way.

If you don't care about me as much as I care about you,
Go and take other path of my life, fine some other reason
why other people won't care about you either.

If you don't miss me as much as I do,
Save it till it's gone, wastage.

I bet you'll never gonna believe me,
I'll longed for your love as much as I can

I'll build it slowly till it's done.
and you'll knelt to the ground and say,
Please don't leave me until your last breath.


Kau hanya lupa, tidak langsung terniatnya;

bisikkan ditelinga aku. lontarkan rasa hatimu,
andai kau perlukan masa, aku berikan segala.
andai kau perlukan rasa, aku berikan kau deria,
aku berikan kau jiwa, semoga dapat menikmatinya;

tapi jika kau mengalah begini, aku tak mampu berteguh lagi.
jika kau hilangkan segala perasaan, aku menyerah diri.
tak sanggup berdepan, tak sanggup melihat, diri sendiri.
aku malu, lalu berperang dengan diri;

Pt pt don't ruin my plans.

Hampir setiap hari, hampir dua kali sehari aku cari atm.
Untuk apa? mestila nak check duit. dah masuk ke belum
belum ke dah masuk. Tapi tulah, setiap kali aku check
Aku turn out to be down and macam dissapointed. Banyak jugak.
Kawan kawan yang lain dah masuk, tapi ada tapinya
Aku dengan fifi tak masuk masuk lagi, ada kawan cakap
tunggulah, orang HEP cakap 23 hari bulan ni dia masuk.
Tapi kenapa yang lain sebelum 23 hari bulan? Sedih lah aku macamni.

Ada yang dipajak, nak di kutip
Ada yang pinjam, nak di pulang
Ada yang dalam list tinggal nak beli.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Japan, be strong!

There are over 10 million peoples are still missing,
There are children losing their parents,
There are parents losing their children,
There are people losing their properties.

Ton of bodies cannot be identified,
Struggling looking for shelter,
Seeking love for each other,
They know they will stay together.

If I had an extra money, I would fly to Japan.
Hand some helps,
Share some loves,
Take care of each other.
Give some hopes
For whom needed.

So Japan, please be strong.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Small guitar called Ukulele.

How to pronounce Ukulele? it just simply like this (ew-ke-lay-lee) but some people pronounce (ew-ku-ley-ley). Sometimes it can be abbreviated to uke. It is a chordophone classified as a plucked lute; it is a subset of the guitar family instruments, generally with four nylon or gut strings or four courses of strings.

Tone and volume of the instrument vary with size and construction. Ukuleles commonly come in four sizes: soprano, concert, tenor, and baritone.

It is absolutely gives you a different sound than a normal guitar, how it sounds? you can check it out on youtube. The pattern of how you strumming the uke is obviously and absolutely different than a normal guitar, and the chords are also different. Moreover, the standard tuning for uke is also different than a normal guitar.

The standard tuning for soprano, concert, and tenor ukuleles is C-tuning, g'c'e'a'. The g string is tuned an octave higher than might be expected. This is known as reentrant tuning. This standard tuning is often sung to the mnemonic "My Dog Has Fleas." Some prefer "Low G" tuning, with the G in sequence an octave lower. The baritone is usually tuned to d g b e' (low to high).

Four sizes of ukuleles are common: soprano, concert, tenor, and baritone. There are also less common sopranino and bass ukuleles at the extreme ends of the size spectrum.

The soprano, often called "standard" in Hawaii, is the smallest, and the original size ukulele. The concert size was developed in the 1920s as an enhanced soprano, slightly larger and louder with a deeper tone. Shortly thereafter, the tenor was created, having more volume and deeper bass tone. The largest size is the baritone, created in the 1940s.

If you are interested to can easily find it in music stores, Bentley, Yamaha, etc and I also bought one at Bukit Bintang. Here are some photos of ukulele.


Dalam mimpi aku, kau datang

Apa maknanya? Aku risau.

Kenapa mesti aku? Kenapa aku,
Aku nampak kau sentiasa mengejar aku.
Aku kosong, aku tak punya apa-apa.
Cuma hati yang besar,
untuk orang-orang yang disayang.
Aku mahukan itu, aku mahukan ini
kau tetap mahukan yang sama.


Kau punya segala, aku cuma derita.
Campak segala sisa waktu bersama,
kerana aku tak punya ingin untuk setia.
Bila aku beri percaya, kau sia-sia.
Bukan pulangannya benci,
tapi sangsi. Betul aku sangsi.
Aku mahu kau pergi, pergi jauh.
Jauh dari dua anak mata,
Jauh dari hati yang hiba.
